Thursday, January 24, 2008

The first fight....

I was expecting it sometime in elementary school, maybe from a boy....but in daycare with my 18 month old daughter? They called around 3 on Tuesday to let us know that Anna had been in an "altercation" with another child at school. Apparently this other unnamed child wanted a toy that Anna had in her hand. Anna refused to turn loose of it and this unnamed child "scratched her on her face." They said she was fine, that they were just calling us because it broke the skin a little and they are required to let us know when that happens. We talked about it after we heard and chalked it up to a little minor scratch...daycare wounds that every child will more than likely deal with in time. Well, Stephen picked her up from daycare that day and before they walked in the door, Stephen prefaced their entrance with, " Are you ready, mommy?"

I was SHOCKED to see the "scratch" may child got. She looked like she had been in a bar brawl. The pictures below show the horror. All drama aside...I am fine with it....I still believe that it is a daycare wound that some children will more than likely deal with in time when they come into contact with the wolverine child. MAN...the damage this kid did with fingernails is NUTS! For real though...all funniness aside, Anna is fine, she just looks pitiful. I am fine, I laughed more than anything else after I saw her just because of the shock of this kid and his powerful nails. The pictures really don't do it justice and I am sure that there are parents out there that have some that could top this...and if you do...please let me know. I would love to hear about it.
Until then........


The Johnstons said...

The suspense is killing me...the pictures aren't loading on my computer! Hope my sweet niece is ok!

Beth said...

Hey girl...I need to see these pics...not loading on mine either. Has she been bitten yet? Is that a word...bitten? Anyway, love daycare fights!!!!!

One of them Youngs... said...

Poor baby! SERIOUSLY that other kid needs shorter fingernails! I can't really contribute a daycare story...sadly because the majority of wounds my kids have recieved were somehow indirectly inflicted by me. Did you see the staples in Landon's head on my myspace blog...or maybe I could go into detail on the ER visit for Austen so he could "sober up" in the midst of qualified medical personnel for drinking an ENTIRE bottle of Triaminic cough syrup. Now that I think about it...they all may just be better off at daycare :)

Jansen said...

aaron found his pants!