Friday, October 31, 2008

Victory is mine!.....And I guess we will talk about Halloween too...

So I won the pumpkin decorating contest!! YEAH!!....well not to get too excited...I was only competing with one other person and well, I won. I was in the teacher/faculty category and apparently the other teachers got lazy this year. There were not as many pumpkins this year as last. I really meant to take some pictures of all of them and kept forgetting my camera at home. Sorry about that.
Anyhow, on to more recent issues, Halloween was tonight, and Anna and I were going to head over to Calallen to hang out with my parents. Their neighborhood has had a hayride for the little kids for as long as I can remember and Mom and Dad have wanted Anna to come since she has been big enough to go. Last year she had just had her stupid ear tubes put in...that stayed in for only like a month ( sorry, I am a little bitter ) So we were out for the count last year ( even though I had a super cute outfit for her to wear and was so sad that she could'nt wear it, we put her in it days later and took pictures. ) This year, I refused to buy a new one, so we recycled. : ) It still fit, so why not? Anyway, this year, Anna and I were headed to the hay ride...then Dad got sick. DANGIT! So then Mom was going tocome up and visit and go with Anna and I to our church Pumpkin Patch, and then she called and was hold up with a massive headache. MAN! Well, maybe one year we will be able to make Halloween work. Anna and I got ready and headed up to the pumpkin patch. She had a blast. This was before we left, she was showing the camera
( daddy ) her tail and how she meows. It was hilarious.When we got there, we were told that there was a place set up specifically for the little ones. At the toddler station there were tons of prizes that were not candy really was awesome. Here she is in action. She threw a ball in the frogs mouth....And won a toy...she liked that....A LOT. Then she got the idea...
Play a game....
Win a prize. And again...and again...and again.She won some pretzels....And ate them...
Then she won some more prizes.....Then she just played and had fun...and I enjoyed watching her have fun.
How hysterical is that tail??

Waving bye to some people as we were getting ready to leave. It was a great evening, and the only thing that could have made it better is if the rest of our family was there. : )

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tootin my own horn....

So at school we have a pumpkin decorating contest, where you can paint or decorate a pumpkin. I will take pics of the ones I compete against tomorrow, but I thought I would post pics of mine so I can show everyone what I have been working on. It was loads of fun. The best faculty pumpkin wins a 50 $ gift card to you know I am hoping! : ) Have a great day and I will post pics of my competitors and the results tomorrow! It was an Art theme....famous artists through time. Features artists are Salvidor Dali, Piet Mondrian, Vincent Van Gogh, Picasso, Edvard Munch, Andy Warhol, Leonardo Da Vinci and Jackson Pollock.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Seventeen years later....

Sorry it has been a while since we posted. Unfortunately the blog thing has to take a back seat to all the craziness of life. So here is a quick update on the happenings in the Summers household.
Things have been great.
Anna and I went to see my grandmother (Granny) in East Texas a few weekends ago, we try to do this at least twice a year...and Anna really loves spending time with her. This makes me really happy and I always seem to get a great video clip from their time together, check last years post for proof. : ) So this year, I was hoping, and man did I hit the jackpot. Four of my favorite things together in one video, my Granny, Anna, Jesus and the piano.. in no particular order : ) And Jesus does not make an appearance per say, He is sung about for those of you out there that are thinking otherwise. : ) We had a fun time with Parker and Holly as well that weekend...see her blog for those details.

Anna has been taking a liking to Stephen playing his guitar in the evenings. So I also filmed a little of that. She really likes to strum the guitar and LOVES to dance to his playing. So, enjoy her little dance scenes.

Things really are going along nicely, nothing really amazing to report. I shall share some thoughts soon though. Since Stephen got his new job at the Country Club, he is home on Sunday night thru Wednesday by the time Thursday comes around, I have way more stuff to laundry and stuff. Sometimes it stinks to be responsible. Anyway, have a great week!