Monday, February 25, 2008

The whole thing was very interesting...

We were watching Anna as she was looking at this bug on the sidewalk yesterday. She was staring at it, and as we have never seen a bug like that, we told her not to touch it. She walked over to it, looked at it closely and then, stepped on it. Stephen basically said, "alright" a little amused.

She then did something that caused us both to crack up laughing.

She leaned over to look at the squished bug, stuck out her hand and simultaneously waved at the bug and said with her mouth, "bye, bye".

We were so sad that we didn't have a camera in sight, cause it was PRICELESS. Thought you would enjoy that little story. Have a great week.

1 comment:

The Pereira Family said...

I read this to Hermann and we laughed. SOOO funny.